An Afghan asylum seeker has been jailed for stabbing his ex-girlfriend s father with a kitchen knife.

17. Feber 2019 / 05:25 Uhr

Asylum Seeker Jailed For Honour Stabbing Ex-GFs Dad

An Afghan asylum seeker has been jailed for stabbing his ex-girlfriend s father with a kitchen knife after breaking into their family home to kill the girl for dishonouring him by speaking to another man.

Court to six years and 10 months

Amir Waffa, 20, was sentenced by a court in Stuttgart to six years and 10 months in juvenile prison on charges of attempted murder and GBH. Despite prosecutors demanding 10 years behind bars for the Afghan asylum seeker, Waffa was only sentenced according to juvenile law for the attempted killing of his ex-girlfriend s father, which in Germany is customary for those under the age of 21 unless especially aggravating circumstances play a role.

Judge Cornelia Esslinger-Graf addressed Waffa during the sentencing, telling him: “You felt offended in your pride and honour because your ex-girlfriend conversed with another young man during a party. “We, however, live in Germany. Here one can meet with their friends, even if a relationship ends.”

Tried to kill or rape her or disfigure her face

The court suspected that Waffa originally did not attend to target the father of his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend but was out after her to try to kill or rape her or disfigure her face.

In July last year, Waffa broke into his ex-girlfriend s bedroom in her family home with a seven-inch kitchen knife. Instead of finding his ex-girlfriend, he, however, encountered her 53-year-old father who heard noises come from the room. When he entered the room, he saw that the window was open. When he closed it again, he suddenly saw Waffa in front of him with his knife and was stabbed seven times. Judge Esslinger-Graf said: “It did not matter to you if he died or not.

Father survived

“You severed a tendon and even cut out a part of his bone, so brutally did you attack him. The injured man had large, gaping cuts. The whole family are heavily traumatised, they do not feel safe in their home anymore,” judge Esslinger-Graf said. The father survived the ordeal despite his severe injuries.

Judge Esslinger-Graf said in her judgement that she decided to sentence him according to juvenile law after she attested “maturity delays” in Waffa s behaviour. However, she told him: “But do not fool yourself: you will be deported after serving half the sentence and return to Afghanistan. “While you are detained, try to deal with your murderous rage.”

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